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Welcome, Val! Glad to have you with us!

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Jun 22Liked by Griffin Olah

Thanks for breaking this down! I fall into the category of I’m okay with most of the changes but how the eff can I keep up with it all lol. This one was particularly confusing but you broke it down nicely. Also, it’s unbelievable that the NFL doesn’t have PE! In a million years I would have never guessed that

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I'm with you, I feel like most of the changes are okay and some were sorely needed like paying the athletes. But it feels like my entire newsletter is just keeping up with all these changes lol.

I was super surprised to see thr NFL doesn't allow PE when researching for this piece. I thought they would be the first to jump on that train, but I guess not. They draw the line at PE having ownership stakes, but that's a pretty arbitrary line in my eyes

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